Ato Game Progress News and Links

Hey guys, Brandon here. Just letting you guys know that Ato’s DEMO is coming along nicely, it’s still taking time as there are still bugs that keep popping up and slowing down progress. But all in all the demo is pretty well contained and supports controller/keyboards. Work has been invested into optimization work so that the game will hopefully run decently on less powerful computers. Of course it would be best to play the game on a computer with decent hardware.

I also had to spend several weeks on the audio code so that it was flexible enough for me to implement sound panning and better music fading. Which of course involved fixing plenty of bugs.

The demo will be pretty limited in terms of options, but you can certainly count on the final game having a wide selection of configuration options when that eventually is done.

I haven’t touched the IndieGogo page lately as I’ve been pretty busy with the demo. But once the demo is in a somewhat stable state, I’ll be trying to get a video going and make some adjustments to the Indiegogo page when I get around to it.

For those who don’t know, I have setup an @AtoVideoGame Account, so you can follow that for more Ato game related news and screenshots.

Ato Game Twitter

Ato Game Facebook (Give it a like!)

Thank you for reading,







Project Ato News, Plans and other fun videos.

Hi everyone, this is Brandon.

I just want to let people know what is currently on my mind for these next coming months in terms of game development.

If you don’t know, I have been quietly working on a new game called “Ato”. It’s an atmospheric, sword duel focused platforming game.

Ato In-game Screenshots

The story is told purely through visuals without dialogue

Ato’s gameplay combat is focused purely into duels against a variety of opponents.

What is next?

My current plan is to launch an Indiegogo for it, the goal will be small compared to when I tried to kickstart Nameless. I’m in the middle of putting a demo, video and other assets for the page. Once the crowdfund attempt launches, I will likely be trying to contact several people and work on the game along side that. Whether or not the crowdfunding attempt succeeds/fails, my goal is to finish this game sometime this year, as I don’t really see this project as something that was intended to be super ambitious in the first place. That being said, I still will give it my all to polish the game as best as I can. I hope you guys look forward to this project.

In other news…

Global Game Jam 2019 Behind the Scenes

If you remember Day of the Dad. I finally got around to making a video of some recordings I did at Cincinnati Global Game Jam 2019. Take a look and enjoy some fun behind-the-scenes clips on its development.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time Randomizer

Also, if you like Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I did a highlight video of VideoChess‘ and GigiDigi’s stream of them playing this modified version of the game.

It’s still the same game, the only difference is that the treasure chest items and major pickups have their items randomized. Meaning you could get surprised with a rupee from grabbing a heart container, or a Gold skulltula from a chest, etc. Take a look below to have a good time.


Old Game Maker’s Apprentice Games – Space Game

Howdy gang, today I’ll just briefly talk about the next game I made with the Game Maker’s Apprentice and what YOU can learn from it.

But before I do so, I thought I’d share a very short teaser for my next solo game, it’s still in the works but felt it would be worth showing, there will be more previews and news on it in the future. For now I call it, Ato.

A peaceful world, yet the cost to preserve its harmony is troubling.

Make sure to follow me on twitter, facebook, or even this blog (by clicking follow at the bottom right)!

So now let’s continue to the topic at hand.

Space Game

Space game? Could it be that he solo created HALO?!?!?

Yes, this game IS Halo 8, I was contracted by Bungee and Microsoft to make this one, took a long time but it was worth the wait.

The second game I made with the Game Maker’s Apprentice

It kind of looks like Rocket Launch doesn’t it? Consider it…the distant prequel that was unintentionally a prequel to it. This is a much simpler game, where you first point you ship and then launch yourself until you land onto a moon, land on all the moons to win. Avoid the asteroids and maybe find a secret.

With this being my second game. GMA (Game Maker’s Apprentice) taught me the ways of the force, having objects spawn in a random spot, having different controls and teaching the very concept of level design.

This here is to just show you guys that I didn’t start out making the Taj Mahal from the get go. It’s a process that takes time and experience to get better at this sort of thing. I hope that by seeing this game that you’ll be a bit inspired to try something new.

Download (windows exe)


Left and Right – Aim/Maneuver

Space – launch

Esc – Quit
